
What is the effective Muslim mission method ? (Kamran Barnabas)

희년선교회 2024. 10. 16. 21:08

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What is the effective Muslim mission method ? 

- Kamran Barnabas -




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Summary (By ChatGPT)


The effective Muslim mission method, as described by Kamran Barnabas in his work, emphasizes "Friendship Evangelism" as a primary and successful approach for sharing the Gospel with Muslims. This method seeks to overcome barriers in Christian-Muslim interactions, grounded in building sincere relationships and understanding Muslim perspectives on Christianity.


Muslims' Perception of Christianity
Muslims perceive present-day Christianity as apostate, often pointing to differences between Jesus' teachings and the teachings of Paul. They respect Jesus as a prophet but believe that his mission was incomplete, later completed by the Prophet Muhammad. They also view Christianity as having introduced immorality and contradictions into the world.


Effective Mission Approach
The key to effective Muslim evangelism, according to Barnabas, lies in friendship. The aim is to foster genuine relationships, built on trust, that pave the way for meaningful conversations about faith. This method avoids direct confrontation or debate about religious differences, and instead emphasizes living out Christian values in ways that Muslims respect and understand.

  1. Live the Gospel: Muslims often associate Christianity with immorality due to their perception of the West. Therefore, Christians must live exemplary lives of morality, charity, and sincerity to counter this perception and show the values of Christ in action.
  2. Dialogue with Respect: Rather than challenging Islamic beliefs directly, Christians should focus on Jesus' life and teachings. They should highlight common ground, such as respect for the prophets and a shared belief in one God, while gradually introducing differences like salvation through Christ.
  3. Build Trust Through Consistency: Given the skepticism Muslims might have towards Christians, building long-term relationships allows for opportunities to share the Gospel naturally, without being confrontational or aggressive. Over time, as trust deepens, Muslims may be more receptive to understanding the differences in Christian beliefs.
  4. Use the Bible Wisely: Muslims respect scripture but often view the Bible as corrupted. Christians should tactfully introduce biblical passages, using texts that align with shared values, like Jesus' role as a prophet and the Sermon on the Mount, while gently addressing misconceptions about Christ’s divinity.

In summary, Kamran Barnabas emphasizes that the most effective way to approach Muslim evangelism is through relationships built on respect, love, and patience. It is about exemplifying Christian principles and engaging in respectful, meaningful dialogue without focusing on winning arguments but rather on showing the transformative love of Christ.











What is the Muslim's perception of Christianity? A Muslim scholar, Ali Muhsin, says,
It is unfortunate that Jesus Christ has left for us nothing as authoritative as the Prophet Muhammad has done. In the Qur'an are the teachings of Islam in their unsulliedzurity. We do not find the same in the Gospel (Injeel)..(37)

Present-Day Christianity is Apostate

On the basis of the Christian Bible, the Muslim thinks that true Christianity is not found in the followers of Jesus Christ because it is totally different from his teaching found in Matthew 5:17-20. The sermon on the Mount consists of the most important teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Muslim says that here lies true Christianity in princi- ple, and Muslims believe that it is Jesus who is the founder of Christianity, not St. Paul or others.
In the above biblical reference, Jesus says that it is impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven unless one's righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. It is to follow the law to the letter and what the Prophets taught. He laid emphasis on teaching and doing.
37 Ali Muhsin, Let the Bible Speak (Dubai, U.A.E.: n.p., n.d.), ii.
Those are the teachings of Christ himself; but what does Paul say in Gal. 5:4-5; Gal. 2:15-16; I Cor. 10:25; Rom. 7:4-6; Rom. 3:28? The teaching of Paul created con- troversy early in the history of the church between his party and that of Jewish Christians. Some of the disciples would not even sit at the table with the "uncircumcised" who did not keep the law of Israel. Ultimately a meeting was held between the two factions, and a compromise was arrived at whereby it was agreed that no heavy burdens should be placed on the Gentiles who were converted to Christianity from paganism. Muslims think how is it that Paul writes to the Corinthians: "Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience?" (I Cor. 10:25). Paul claims to have been appointed an apostle of Jesus in a revelation and that he continues to receive instructions directly from the master even though those instructions might be contrary to what the disciples received from Jesus in person, the basis of Paul's claims. This stems from the incident of his conversion to Chris- tianity on his way to Damascus. Paul who was previously called Saul, had been an implacable enemy of Christians before this incident which is refered to three times in the Acts of the Apostles, and each time it is related diffe- rently in the very same book. I Cor. 9:19-23 shows that to win converts seems to be the be-all and end-all of St. Paul.
The doctrine of the end justifying the means seems here to be carried to extreme absurdity. But if Muslims read in the Epistle of James those doctrines, which truly depict the teaching of Jesus, and are in direct conflict with those propounded by St. Paul. Paul's motive is thus made even more clear. He wants to win converts by hook or by crook, and to undermine the claims of Christ's disciples, of all those worthy companions of Jesus who studied at his feet and shared all the tribulation with him. What are Muslims to do when they are faced with such obvious contradictions between two contending parties both claiming to represent Christ? If Muslims read Matthew 7:21-27, they can say that these words are forthright and unambiguous. Who are these "evildoers," these foolish men who will not follow the teachings of Jesus which are based on the fulfillment of the law and the prophets and doing the will of God? Who are these men who pretend to perform miracles and to be apostles of Christ, and yet contradict him by preaching justification by faith through the salvation by blood without doing what Jesus ordered them to do, namely to live up to the law and the teaching of the prophets? Who are these men who use Jesus' name and yet will be denied by him? He that has under-standing let him or her understand. Let Muslims not be like the foolish man who built his house upon the sand lest they fall, for great will be the fall of it. ..(38)
38 Ibid., 62-682.
Muslims think that Jesus Christ's teaching is quite substantial, but his short life and the immaturity of his people prevented him from completing the mission for which he had been sent into the world. It is possible also that his mission was by necessity of a limited nature, to pave the way for what was to come. In Jn. 16:5-14, Jesus is informing his diciples that he is about to leave the world, that he has not accomplished his mission, but that another will come after him to teach the whole truth. That other one is called by various names according to the various versions of the Bible. Whatever the title, the "Counselor" was described by Jesus as the person who: (a) would come after him; (b) would convict the world of sin and of righ- teousness and of judgment; (c) would guide mankind into all the truth; (d) would not speak on his own authority but whatever he would hear he would speak; (e) would prophecy; (f) would glorify Jesus Christ. Muslims examine this pro- phecy of Jesus as reported by John's Gospel without any preconceived notion and with perfect objectivity, they think. Many Christians with minds fully indoctrinated by church authorities take it for granted that the prophecy refers to the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit, the third person of the "ever blessed incomprehensible trinity." The Holy Ghost or Spirit is the one that is believed to have filled the disciples of Jesus. He also continues to fill the church leaders until today. What the church does and says is supposed to be through the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as prophesied by Jesus in the above quoted passage. Since Christianity is divided into count- less contradictory churches or sects, it is difficult to see in which one of them the Holy Spirit is working. Every one of these churches claims that it alone is the true inheritor of the church alleged to have been established by Christ when he called Peter "the rock on which he built his church." Each church has fundamental differences with other churches. ..(39)
The "Counsellor," Jesus said would speak on God's authority and not on his own. That statement alone is enough to demolish the theory that the prophecy refers to the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit, according to Christian teaching, is God, he could not be said to be speaking on an authority not his own. This could only be said of mortal man, a man inspired, a prophet; that man would bring clear teachings as to sin, righteousness, and judgment. His teachings would be universal, not for the "Lost Sheep" of any particular tribe. But for the world to be universal and complete those teachings must be clear and precise and should bed permanent record which is not subject to interpo- lation or change, so that all differences that might arise down through the centuries could be resolved by reference to that impeccable record. ..(40)
39 Ibid., 69.
40 UT Ibid.
According to Muslims, since the departure of Christ from mortal life, it is a historical fact that no one has appeared in any part of the globe who so closely fits the qualifications enumerated in the above prophecy of Jesus as the prophet Muhammad. It is Muhammad who has claimed, and indeed has achieved, the completion of the mission of Jesus and all the previous prophets. The Encyclopedia Britannica calls him "the most successful of all prophets." It is he who has convicted the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; it was he who has guided Muslims into all the truth. Indeed even as a youth, before he became aware of his future mission, he was known by his fellow citizens of pagan mecca as Al-Amin, i.e. the truthful. As an elderly man of over sixty, three months before his death, having completed his God-given task, he told the assembled multi- tude, now all Muslim, quoting God's words (for he spoke not ..(41) on his own authority). "Today I have completed and per- fected for you, your religion" (Qur'an 5.3).

Christianity Has Promoted Immorality and Caused Widespread Harm to this World

Muslims think that a Muslim, being one who accepts and submits himself to the supreme power of God, is obliged to be clean spiritually, mentally, and physically. In order to follow this obligation and attain purity of the soul and of the human nature, he was to observe what is and is not allowed by God. ..(42)
41 Ibid., 40.
In the Muslim perception the USA is the Jewish bastion. The glaring open American intervention in Muslim military battles with Israel is another reason Muslims reject Christianity, the religion of America. Everytime Muslims go into battle with the Jews, they are not fighting the Jews alone, but America. What makes the Christian Americans love the Jews so much? What makes America so infatuated with the Jews? The reason lies in the Jewish political lobby in the USA. There are only about six (6) million Jews in America, yet they are a very cohesive, well-knit, and organized community which knows how to use its brains and financial power. No American can ever aspire to become the president of the United States without the support of the Jews. 43 According to Muslim research, the American people are very disgruntled with their known way of life--their sodomites, drunkards, surplus women, rapists, and murderers; they are groping helplessly for a solution. It must be a yearly occurence, though Muslim read of it only recently, that three hundred thousand sodomites, whom they call "gays," gathered in San Francisco on a pilgrimage led by fifty
42 Haji Ibrahim, Why Pork is Prohibited in Islam (Manila, Philippines: Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philip pines, 1988), 11.
43 Ahmed Deedat, Arabs and Israel Conflict or Con- cilation (Durban, South Africa: Islamic Propagation Centre International, 1989), 73.
lesbians on motorcycles. As no American can become the president without Jewish support, so no American can become the mayor of New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco without the support of the "gays" of these respective cities. On the subject of the sodomites and calamities in the United States, even Jimmy Swaggart, the fallen tele-evangelist, cried out, "America! God will judge you! If he does not judge you (meaning if God does not destroy you) he might have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah! (for their destruction). ..(44)
America also has a problem of surplus women. Even if every man in American married, there would still be eight million women who could not find a husband. The city of New York alone has one million more women than men, and, of these, one third of the men are homosexual. Their problems are being compounded! Christians should judge themselves! ..(45)
America has eleven million drunkards whom they call "problem drinkers." With an additional forty-four million heavy drinkers, it makes a staggering total of fifty-five million drunkards! Muslims think Islam is the answer to the problems of American and other Christians. ..(46)
44 Ibid., 75. 45 Ibid., 76. 46 Ibid., 76-77.

Jesus is Only the Son of Mary

Muslims believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest messenger's of God, that he was the Christ, that he was born miraculously--without any male intervention (which many modern-day Christians don't believe), that he gave life to the dead by Goi's permisison, and that he healed those born blind and lepers by God's permission. In fact no Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus!
The Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim always displays toward Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountain head of his faith-- the Holy Qur'an. The Christian does not know that the Muslim does not use the Holy Name of Jesus in his own lan- guage without saying Hazat Eesa (meaning "Revered Jesus") or Eesa alai-kiss-salaam (Jesus, peace be upon him).
Every time the Muslim mentions the name Jesus without these words of respect, he would be considered disrespectful. In the Quran Jesus is spoken of as "the word of God," "the Spirit of God," "a sign of God," and numerous other epistles of honour spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Qur'an honours this mighty Messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the last fourteen hundred years in doing the same. ..(47)
47 Ibid., 6.
Muslims think that Jesus was insulted not only by his own enemies, the Jews, but also unwittingly by those who considered themselves his followers. The Jews accused him of being a child born out of wedlock and a charlatan. To prove that he was accursed, they endeavoured to cause his death by crucifixion, a mode of execution considered by them to be damnatory to the soul of the victim (See Deuteronomy 21:22-23). They denied that he was their promised Messiah. ..(48)
According to Muslim thought, Christians, in their zeal and deluded by subtle wolves in sheeps clothing, swallowed the teachings of Mithraism, Greek mythology, and other contemporary Mediterranean cults, and placed Jesus on the pedestal like a pagan God. Jesus who was the son of Man, Ben Adam, as he was fond of calling himself, a Prophet and a servant of God, was debased into a pseudo polytheistic God. He became surrounded with legends of propitiation that were current at that time within the cults of Orisis Attis Adonis and Mithra. There was nothing new in a god begetting a son. There was nothing new in salvation by blood. All these doctrines were prevalent in the pagan cults in the Eastern Mediterranean region before the coming of Jesus Christ. And during his lifetime, what was strange and revolting was to graft these myths onto the very man who came to abolish them. ..(49)
According to Muslims, he was "nearest to God," not physically nor geographically, but spiritually. Muslims think that Mark 16:19, "and (Jesus) sat on the right hand of God", is misunderstood by Christians. In Eastern languages, "right hand" means a place of honour, which the Holy Qur'an more fittingly describes as "in the company of those nearest to God...(50)
48 Muhsin, 53-54. 49 Ibid., 54.
50 Deedat, Islamic Selections, 12.
According to Muslim scholars, Jesus did not claim divinity. He did not even say that people should worship Him. Then how do Christians justify worshipping Jesus? According to Muslims, there is not a single unequivocal statement throughout the Bible where Jesus claims to be God or where he says to worship him. Nowhere does he say that he and God almighty are one and the same person. In the story found in John 10:30-38, Jesus says, "I and my father are one," Muslims say it means they are one in purpose. messenger sees to it that he remains in faith, and God almighty also sees to it that he remains in faith. This is the purpose of God and men and woman of faith. But the The Jews were looking for trouble and any excuse would do. Therefore, the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, "Many good works have I showed you from my Father for which of those works do you stone me?" The Jews answered him saying, "For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thy self a God." The Jews falsely alleged that Jesus was talking ambiguously. When that charge was ably refuted, they then accused him of blasphemy (Kufr) which is like treason in the spiritual realism. So they said that Jesus was claiming to be God by saying "I and my Father are one."
The Christians agree with the Jews in that Jesus did make such a claim; but they differ in saying that it was not blasphemy because he was God. The Christians and the Jews both agreed that the utterance is serious, to one as an excuse for good "redemption" and to the other as an excuse for good "riddance." "Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?." "If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the Scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the father hath sanctified, and sent into the world `thou blasphemest;´ because I said, `I am the son of God'?" He was obviously quoting from Psalm 82:6. Jesus continues, if he (i.e. God Almighty called them gods, unto whom the word of God came meaning that the prophets of God were called "Gods") and the Scripture cannot be broken. In other words, "You can't contradict me. He speaks with authority: "with which you find no fault, then why do you take exception to me, when the only claim I make for myself is far inferior in our language, viz." "A son of God," against others being called "Gods" by God himself. Even if I (Jesus) described myself a "god" in our language, according to Hebrew usage, you could find no fault with me. 51
Therefore, according to Muslims, to call Jesus Christ the Son of God is a great insult to the majesty of God. It can be proved from the Christian Bible that
51. Ibid., 23.
Jesus Christ was neither God nor the son of God. If Jesus is God, then "God" was created from the seed of David (Romans 1:3). "God" was the fruit of the loins of David. : God was the son of Abraham (Matt. 1:1). After eight days "God" was circumcised (Lk. 2:21). Mary, a woman, conceived and delivered "God" (Lk. 2:6). "God" sucked the paps of a woman (Lk. 11:27). "God's" origin was Bethlehem of Judea (Matt. 2:1). There were brothers and brothers in-law of "God" (Matt. 13:54-56). There was spiritual development of "God" (Lk. 2:40) and mental, physical, and moral development of "God" (Lk. 2:52) There was a hungry "God" (Matt. 4:2, 21:18; Mk. 11:12), a thirsty "God" (Jn. 19:28), a weeping "God" (Lk. 11:35), and a sorrowing "God" (Matt. 26:37-38). A friend betrayed the secret hiding place of "God"
(Jn. 18:2-3). "God" was arrested (Jn. 18:12-13). humiliated (Lk. 22:63-64), Matt. 26:67). less (Jn. 18:22-23). "God" was "God" was defense- "God" was condemned to death (Mk. 14:64, Matt. 26:66). According to the Christians, Jesus is God because (1) he shared the nature of "God," and (2) because in every way he is like God But according to the quotations from the Bible given above, Muslims find that Jesus neither shares the nature of God n is he in every way like God. He is, therefore, definitely not God! Either Christians must prove that Jesus is God or they must admit that they are polytheists, i.e. believers in more than one God. For Muslims, Jesus was a natural man and a prophet of God. He was sent to the house of Israel to bear the good
news of the coming of the kingdom of God, the prophecy which was fulfilled with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad. ..(52)

The Bible is Unreliable

According to Muslims, Jesus confessed that he had not said all that he wanted to say. But he who was to come would do so and complete the work. The teachings of Muham- mad on sin, righteousness, and judgment are embodied in the Qur'an, a book that is unique in the world in its purity, lack of contradiction, and its inimitability. However, the Bible is not and cannot be consistent, for it is not one book but a collection of many books written by numerous writers, many of whom are not even known. There is even disagreement among the Christian Churches as to the books 42 which are accepted as canonical, ie authorized by church
elders as being inspired not revealed as was the Qur'an. The writings even in a single book may be contradictory. a Muslim it is fact that any careful, impartial reader of the four Gospels which are in the Bible will derive strong evidence to show that the man who was put on the cross did not die on the cross, but only appeared to have died. In those same Gospels there is also overwhelming evidence, the writers' own belief to the contrary, that it was possible, and indeed likely, that the crucified man was not Jesus To
52 International Relations and Information Center, The God that Never Was (International Relations and Informa- tion Center, Manila, Philippines, n.d.), 2-15.
Christ at all. It is a fact that Jesus was not a well-known person at that time in Jerusalem. To the people who were hunting for him, he was a stranger from Galilee. He had been preaching his faith for only two or three years wonder- ing from place to place with no fixed abode (Matt. 8:20). During that time he could not have visited Jerusalem more than a few times. The earliest Gospel, Mark, says he had been there only once, while the latest, John, says four times. So little known was he that it is related that Judas had to point him out to his would be captors by kissing him. Thus it would be nothing unusual if they mistook somebody else for Jesus. The Gospels tell that when he was arrested, Peter denied him, and, of all his disciples (who he himself had especially selected with due care), there could not have been a single one who even acknowledged that he knew him. ..(53)
To the Muslim the text of the Gospels was then filled out with the additions made by Paul, who violating historical truth to meet a theological exigency and declaring with great shamelessnes that everything had been directly reported to him by Jesus himself, caused Jesus to say, after the breaking of bread, "Take, eat this is my body, which is broken for you, and, when he makes the libation with the wine, "This cup is the New Testament (covenant) in my blood."
The proof that the story of the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper was added to the Gospels (Matt. 26:26-29,
53 Muhsin, 51-60.
Mk. 14:22-25, and Lk. 22:17-19) by Paul is contained in St. Paul's own letter to the Corinthians:
For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was be trayed took bread, and said "This is my body which is Do this in remembrance of me." This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often a you you. drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes (I Cor. 11:23-26).
It must be remembered that St. Paul was not Jesus disciple when Jesus was alive. He does not even claim to have ever met him personally. He bases his right to speak on his behalf on the vision which is related in the Acts of Apostles three times, and each time it is differently narrated. ..(54)


As discussed in the chapter, a Muslim's perception of Christianity is that the founder of the present-day Christianity is not Jesus because it contradicts the true teachings of Jesus Christ. A Muslim believes that Jesus' short life and the immaturity of his people prevented him from completing the mission on which he had been sent into the world. He blames Christianity for the widespread immorality in this world today. For a Muslim, Jesus is one of the mightiest prophets of God but not God or the Son of God. To a Muslim, the Bible is not the original scriptures it is no longer the one that was revealed to the early prophets ans Jesus.
54 Ibid., 51-65.




In the light of the Muslim's perception of Islam and Christianity, it has been discovered that Christianity and Islam have a lot of similarities in their beliefs and their religious practices. But in fact, Islam is far apart from Christianity and difficult to confront. because it approaches the Christian This is faith with a preset position. Certain Islamic theological ideas cut across the fundamental truths of the Gospel. These are primarily related to the validity of the scriptures, the nature of God, the person of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the ..(55) atonement. However, the situation is not really hope- less, for friendship evangelism is an approach that can surmount these obstacles effectively.

Use Friendship Evangelism

In the past many Christians were not aware of friendship evangelism. Friendship evangelism is increas- ingly proving to be an effective approach to Muslims. This approach entails the effort to build a meaningful friendship
55 John T. Seamands, It the Cospel Across Cultures (Misstellet Well Communicatinansas City, 1981), 205.
and by that confidence and, on the strength of that totond eventually share the Gospel, rather than using the conventional methods like giving out tracts, engaging in one on one witnessing, preaching, and the like. However, friend- ship evangelism is not a general approach but is possible only in certain given situations such as permanent contact at work or in the neighborhood of the prospect. In such a situation, one would find oneself in a much better position to witness. When the prospect will witness day after day the life of the Christian neighbor, it will provide a favorable background against which the prospect is more likely to consider the message seriously. ..(56)
Therefore, the Christian should be a friend of his or her Muslim neighbor, which means an intimate companion, a supporter, a helper, and a sympathizer. 57 If one is to be a friend of someone, one must have a deep concern and love for the friend. The Bible says,
Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love (I John 4:7-8).
A warm friendship between two people does not happen easily or automatically. It requires a lot of effort
56 Gerhard Nehls, The Great Commission, You and the Muslim (Bellville: SIM International Life Challenge, Evangelical Mission Press, 1988), 45.
57 Bashir A. Qurehsi, Dictionary English to English and Urda (Lahore, Pakistan, Kitabistan Publishing Co., n.d.), 148.
because it is not easy for a Muslim to become a good friend of a Christian, for the Qur'an says, "And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians till thou follow their creed" (Qur'an 2:12). "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers" (Qur'an 3:28).
O Ye who believe! choose not for friends such of those who received the scripture before you and of the disbe- liever as make a jest and sport of your religion. But keep your duty to Allah if ye are true believer (Qur'an 5:57).
The Christian needs to be reminded that establishing friendships with Muslims is a difficult task. But one should remember that Jesus died for Muslims too. The Gospel is not for the lost sheep of Israel only, but also for the lost sheep of Ishmael, and every man in this world. The God of Abraham blessed Ishmael also (Gen. 17:20). And yet this great nation is still thirsty for the Gospel, longing for the true word of God, and the most needy field today. Therefore, one should be patient even though Muslims are not so responsive at the beginning. It is very important for the Christian to always demonstrate Christian love and concern to Muslims even in times of difficult situations.
Muslims nearly always have a wrong/negative percep- tion of Christianity. Christians are often considered to be immoral people by many Muslims. Thus, it is important for the Christian to live a good life and show a good moral character. Until the negative perception of Christians is removed from their minds during the time of developing a good friendship with Muslims, one should listen patiently to his Muslim friend sharing about Islam and do not try to share the gospel at the beginning. A Muslim oftentimes will criticize the Christian faith and beliefs, but it is important not to argue or debate with the Muslim, because one may win the argument but lose the friendship with the Muslim. Only after a warm relationship is developed may the Christian start sharing the Gospel and answer the Muslim's questions in a very positive way

A Friendly Dialogue

Since Muslims think that Islam is not a new religion but the same message and guidance which God revealed to all the prophets up to Jesus, the Christian should not avoid the opportunity to use it as a point of contact and should tell them some of Jesus teaching like, "Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matt. 5:17).
It is wise to explain to them that Jesus fulfilled the law of God because he was the mightiest prophet among all the prophets in history. Furthermore, the Christian should explain to Muslims about God's plan of salvation through Jesus. Sometimes the Christian should also raise some questions concerning what they think about Jesus Christ and should listen to their answers. There is a need to tell the Muslims what Christianity is all about and the commands of Christ. The Bible says, "What good is it, my brothers if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds" (James 2:14).
Reflecting on this passage, Christian teachings should be always accompanied with actions. In other words, all of the Christian teachings must be shown in one's life and in one's conduct.
Muslims are very proud of the early history and rise of Islam. They think that only Islam gave a good moral, ethical, and social life to Arab pagans and only Islam teaches that there is only one and true God. Pride and confidence of the Muslim can be very effectively used in evangelism. One should say positively to a Muslim friend that the teaching of Islam was helpful to Arab pagans who mostly were disgruntled with their way of life. They worshipped idols and did not know that there is no other God except the one and only true God who is unseen. But a long time before the rise of Islam, it was written, "You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not make for your- self an idol" (Ex. 20:3-4a). says, In the Book of Acts, Paul
The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all man life and breath and everything else (Acts 17:24-25).
Also verse 29 says, "Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone on image made by man's design and skill." At that time Arabs did not know the truth of the Bible. Still today, in many parts of the world, people are worshipping idols. The teaching of equality of humankind and the idea of resurrection were also new to many Arabs. Many of them were involved in many immoralities. Muslims still do not know what the Bible says. Therefore, it is important for Christians to teach them what the Bible says about certain issues. Concerning adultery, Jesus said,
You have heard that it was said, you shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matt. 5:27-28).
Also the Bible says, "Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit" (Eph. 5:18). And for the ideal society, Jesus said six hundred years before Islam, "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you" (Matt. 7:12). Also Chris- tians must share the truth "that complete manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, which go back more than two centuries before the time of Muhammad, are in existence today. ..(58)
After every time of sharing, Christians should give time to their Muslim friends to say something about their faith and their beliefs, and Christians should prepare themselves to listen to them. One can introduce oneself to a Muslim friend as a Muslim, but one should make it clear to the Muslim friend that one is a Muslim in the true sense of the word because a Muslim is one who submits totally to the will of Allah and separates oneself from sin...(59)
58 Seamands, 206.
It is not good to ask negative questions to Muslim friends. For example, "What does Muslim mean?", "Can you tell me the Pillars of Islam?", "What does a Muslim have to do to be saved?", "If a man does all of the law in Islam, will he be saved?", "Do Muslims keep the law of Islam?"..(60) These kinds of questions often make Muslims angry because they do not like any attitude or any question that attacks their Islamic law or their religion.
Muslims strongly believe that unless a person keeps God's commandments he/she cannot go to heaven, because the laws which God gave to men are the only way for men to be saved. So, in dealing with Muslims, one must show high regard for, and obey the law of God. To witness to Muslims, one must show oneself before them, as Jesus said, "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will cer- tainly not enter the Kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 5:20). The Scribes were those who claimed to teach the law, and the Pharisees those who claimed to do it. So one must treat Muslims as if they were Scribes and Pharisees.
However, one must show that entry into the Kingdom depends on a new relationship with God (righteousness and justification are cognate words) which must be demonstrated by lives and teaching of a new depth and power. ..(61)
59 Reaching Muslims Today. A Short Handbook, Com- piled by North African Missions, U.S.A., n.d., 5.
60 Ibid., 50.
61 D. Guthrie, J. A. Motyer, ed., The New Bible Commentary, vol. 9 (London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1970), 1063.

Christian and Christianity

Since Muslims believe that God has ordained only one religion for humankind, Islam, one should tell them that Christians believe that God is a God of all nations, the God of the universe. God did not create any religion; it is humans who make religion. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts. 11:26), meaning "Christ's people." Only the Gentiles called the disciples Christians because, to them, it was a more personal name, but to the Jews Christ meant "Messiah" and they would not have called the followers of Jesus "Messiah's people." The word Chris- tian occurs in the New Testament only here, in Acts 26:28, and in I Pet. 4:16. "The word is formed with the Latin suffix which designates follower or partisan of." There is no adequate reason to think that the term was used in deri- sion. So Kristianos or Christians simply means people who follow Christ. ..(62) The Greek word for Christ is "kristos" or anointed one. It is used as a proper me. There is another name similar to Kristo in Greek, (Krestos) meaning
62, "Charles F. Pfeiffer and Everett F. Harrison, ed., The Wycliffe Bible Commentary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1962), 1144.
good, gentle, pleasant, kind, so it is assumed that a fol- lower of Christ had both Kristos and Krestos in their conduct of life, so they were called Christians. Christianity should not be called a religion in the traditional understanding of the term "religion." Christians believe that Christ is the way of life, not merely physical or earthly, but even spiritual and heavenly life, because it is only Christ who fulfilled the law of God. As it is written in the Bible, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). So the followers of Christ are called Christians, and Christianity not only gives the way of life but provides the way of salvation for humankind.

Explaining Predestination to Muslims

Islam has articles of faith which also can be used in evangelism. God (Allah) wants all humankind to be saved and "that each person has been allowed the freedom to decide whether to come to him and receive life. ..(63) Humankind is given freedom of choice. True freedom of choice. means one is free also to make the wrong choice.
God knew the risk and accepted it in order to accomplish His plan and purpose for creation. Out of sheer grace he chose to create persons capable of denying the love that gave them existence. God did not limit his own freedom of choice in any way when he gave humankind freedom of choice. Before creation God planned to bridge the gap between himself and those who would make the wrong choices...(64)
63. Earl Kelly, Southern Baptist Distinctives (Nashville, TN: Convention Press, 1989), 53.
64 Ibid., 52
And then one can share some biblical passages like I Cor. 2:7; Eph. 1:4; 2 Tim 1:9. God's plan included the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. God (Allah) is the all knowing God (Acts 2:23; Rom. 8:29, 11:2; I Pet. 1:2, 20; 2 Pet. 3:17).
God is able to foreknow human choice because his exis tence is not bound to time. With God there is no past or future. The tense of his existence and knowledge is always present. "He also knows how each person will respond to his plan for salvation from the penalty for sin. However, God's foreknowledge in no way retricts a person's freedom to make his own decisions. Neither does it mean that God has forced him to make that deci- sion. God has placed the responsibility of choosing one's eternal destiny squarely upon his own shoulders. But he also assures one that everyone who chooses him will be saved (Deut. 30:19; John 3:16; 2 Pet. 3:9; Titus 2:11; I Tim. 2:3-4). Hgselected those who would accept His plan of salvation. ..(65)

Prayer, Fasting, and Charity to Christianity

Prayer or Salah is a very important pillar of Islam on which Islam stands. To a Muslim, prayer inspires people to a higher morality, purifies the heart, and overcomes temptation towards wrong doing and evil, and Wuder
(ablutions) is a good hygenic practice and shows reverence to Allah. In this case, one should tell a Muslim friend that Christians do not pray only five times a day but more than five times a day.
65 Ibid., 53.
And one must show the Muslim friend that one is a prayerful person, how one prays, and how a Christian shows reverence to God. One must show the friend how a Christian reads the Bible daily as daily bread and meditates on the word of God. One must also show how Christians ask God to speak to them and wait to expe- rience God's nearness and presence and to receive commands, warnings, and peace. To a Christian, "prayer is conversation with God." Prayer is a means of fellowship with God; prayer is a means of affecting the lives of others; prayer is a means of thanking God and giving him praise. 66 One also should explain how Christians pray like (1) adoration, (2) confession, (3) thanksgiving, and (4) supplication, and explain to the Muslim friend that Christians pray not because it is a law of God but because of the love of God. And also read Matt. 6:5-13 and explain how important prayer is in the Christian life. Muslims have a one month fast during which they have some limitations from dawn to sunset. Concerning this matter, one should tell a Muslim friend what Christ said about fasting in Matt. 6:16-18 and explain what these verses teach about why one should fast and the bibli- cal way of fasting. Regarding alms, one must teach a Muslim friend that Christians do charity. Share Matt. 6:2-4 and also explain the giving of the tithe, because Muslims think
66 Alfredo Saure, Shelby Castlen, and Nardito Manalang, Discipleship Manual, 2d ed. (Manila, Philippines: Baptist Center Publications, 1990), 17-18.
that they are the givers, and they do all for God, but there is need to tell them the way of Christian giving of alms and show how Christians give.


Friendship evangelism is a good approach to use with a Muslim. This approach entails the effort to build a meaningful friendship. In fact the Christian needs to be reminded that establishing a friendship with a Muslim is a difficult task. Muslims nearly always have a wrong/negative perception of Christianity. Therefore, it is important not to argue or debate with Muslims. And then it is also neces- sary to explain that who can be a Christian and what really Christianity is. Though Christianity should not be called a religion in the traditional understanding of the term "religion." There is a need to explain about predestina- tion. God is able to foreknow human choices because His existence is not bound to time. With God there is no past and future. However, God spoke knowledge in no way retricts a person's freedom to make his or her own decisions. Fur- thermore, it is also necessary to explain about the values of prayer, fasting, and charity to a Christian.





Some Misunderstanding of the Scriptures

The most important thing in Muslim evangelism is to understand Islam as Muslim perceives it, and to understand the Muslim perception of Christianity, because after gaining understanding of Muslim's perception of Islam and Christia- nity one can have a better confidence in witnessing to a Muslim friend. Therefore, after studying second chapter, one should explain to Muslim friends the passages which Muslims think contradict Jesus' teaching. In Matt. 5:17-20, it says that "Jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it." There is no contradiction between Jesus' teaching and the teaching of Paul that the Christian is saved by faith in Christ rather than by the works of the law. Jesus meaning was that God's moral law is the expres- sion of God's own holiness and is an eternal obligation on God's people. In reality, Jesus came to give the law's former declaration a deeper meaning, and to enforce it, not merely outward acts, but in the inner depths of the human heart. Jesus then proceeds to illustrate in five particu lars: murder, adultery, swearing, revenge, and hatred one's enemy. ..(67) In I Cor. 10:25, Paul forbids Christians to participate in heathern temple festivals, but explains that in buying meat in the markets, it is not necessary to ask whether it had been sacrificed to an idol. "Food is from God and all His gifts are good" (Ps. 24:1). "Being offered in idol worship cannot affect the divine origin of food. It remains, therefore, fit for God's people to eat, if received with thanksgiving to Him." ..(68)
In I Cor. 9:19-23, Paul surrendered his right to personal subsistence. To share the good news was so pre- cious to him that he did not want to fail to share in its blessings. 68 Paul is an example for the follower of Jesus Christ Concerning Matthew 7:21-27, one should say to a Muslim friend that no one can call oneself a Christian unless one practices the things that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, but there are people in the world in their religious book. They mention that Jesus is the word of God and he is the spirit of God. They know that He is the mightiest one and yet they could not understand how Jesus offered salvation to humankind by shedding his own blood on the cross of Calvary.
Muslims have completely misunderstood John 16:5-15. Mostly Muslim scholars think that this prophecy was about their prophet Muhammad, not Holy Spirit.
67 Henry H. Halley, Halley's Bible Handbook (Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962), 433-34.56
68 Ibid., 596. 69 Guthrie, 1063.
Therefore, one their prophet Muhammad, not the Holy Spirit. must explain the truth of this passage wisely to a Muslin friend. Jesus had been with the disciples. Now in view of Jesus imminent removal, his disciples needed someone to take His place. of the Holy Spirit. Jesus revealed to His disciples the coming Jesus had already mentioned this in the general discourse in John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26. Jesus was telling His disciples that His separation from them would be in their best interest, as long as he was with them in person. His work was localized, so he could not communicate with them equally at all times and in all places. The coming of the "counselor" would equip them for a wider and more potent ministry. There are three major aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit described (1) to the world conviction of sin, righteousnes, and judgment; (2) to the disciples direction and truth; and (3) to Jesus revealing him more perfectly to and through those who repre- sent him. The Spirit does not merely correct people of sin; he brings to them an inescapable sense of guilt so that they realize their shame and helplessness before God. This conviction applies to three particular areas: sin, righteousness, and judgment. ..(70) "The humankind have never been in a hurry to confess their sins. The Holy Spirit so operates upon the moral nature of men that they are moved to confess their sins...(71)
70 Frank E. Gaebelein, ed. The Expositor's Bible
71 William Thomas Rouse, The Holy Spirit (Nashville: The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1935), 178.
A court can convict a person of murder, but only the Spirit can convict one of unbelief. Jesus insisted that sin was fundamentally repudiation of his message and his mission. ..(72) When a person once comes to realize sin with all of its effects, that person can begin to understand Jesus and the implications of his death. ..(73) With respect to righteousness, here Jesus talks about the absolute standard of God's character, to which all thought and deeds must be compared. A person must be aware of the holiness of God. There is an infinite gap between the righteousness of God and sinful humankind that humankind cannot bridge. ..(74)
The world has had its notions of good and bad, right and wrong, but when the spirit comes in convictive power, he will shows all these notions are superficial, and unsatisfactory; he will refute the worlds notion of righteousness, and he will by spiritual illumination make the righteousness of God, which is by faith, appear to be the essential and indispensable thing. He will present the life, ministry, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession of Jesus in such a way that his righteous- ness will outweigh all things else.
With respect to judgment, judgment always occurs when an act of thought is evaluated by an absolute princi- ple. Actions are judged by their accord with law or by their lack of conformity to it. When human sin is confronted
72 Gaebelein, 156. 73 Rouse, 178.
74 Gaebelein, 157. 75Rouse, 181-82.
by the righteousness of Christ, its condemnation is self-evident. In this context "judgment" refers to the condemnation of satanic self-will and rebellion by the obedience and love toward the Father exhibited by Jesus. The cross was the utter condemnation and defeat of the "evil" satan is already under judgment (Jn. 14:30)...(76) was judged, overcome, conquered, when Jesus triumphed over all his enemies. There is no reference here to the future, final judgment, but the reference is to judgment which has been pronounced upon satan because of the overcoming of Christ. Satan is still active, is still doing his utmost, but he has been struck a death blow; he will someday be confined in the place prepared for the devil and his angels. This is the three-fold convictive work of the Holy Spirit, in respect to sin, in respect to righteousness, in respect to judgment. ..(77) Satan
Jesus told His disciples directly the revelations to that time was incomplete. They were not sufficiently mature to understand all He wished to impart. A second function of the Holy Spirit would be to lead them into the full compre- hension of all He could give them. The Spirit would not present an independent message, differing from what they had already learned from Him. They would be led further into the realization of His person and in the development of the principles He had already laid down. They would also be enlightened about coming events.
76 Gaebelein, 157. 77 Rouse, 182-83.
The Holy Spirit unfolded the truth as the disciples grew in spiritual capacity and understanding. In this promise lies the germinal authority of the apostolic writings, which transmit the revelation of Christ through his disciples by the work of the Holy Spirit. He would conduct them (hodegeo) into the unknown future as a guide directs those who follow him into unfamiliar terri- tory. The third function of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ. His chief purpose is not to make himself prominent but to magnify the person of Jesus. The spirit interprets and applies the character and teachings of Jesus to the disciples and by so doing, makes Him central to their thinking. He makes God a reality to people. ..(78) Therefore, the "counselor" spoken of by Jesus could not be a mortal man and prophet as Muslims think that Jesus prophesied about Muhammad. "None of these passages from John's Gospel account suggests that Jesus disciples were to wait some five centuries before the fulfillment of his promises." ..(79)

Distinguish Between Religious Faith and Culture

To a Muslim, Christianity has promoted immorality and caused widespread harm to this world. This is because Muslims consider. "Western" and "Christian" to be synonyms. Conflicts between Muslim and Christian nations in past history have helped shape that misconception.
78 Gaebelein, 157-58.
79 Echest John, Understanding Some Muslim Misunder standings (Canada: Fellowship of Faith, n.d.), 13.
Muslim faith is closely tied to its culture. Muslims always think that Christians are materialistic and immoral people. Also Muslims think that Christians always do favors for Jews but not for Muslims. ..(80) One of the greatest enemies of Muslims are the Jews. Therefore, Muslims hate American people because of their support for Israel. Muslims always wonder why American Christians love the Jews so much. Therefore, in Muslim evangelism consideration of political views is very important. One must be careful in sharing one's poli-tical views with a Muslim friend. If one's view is different from that of the friend it would be better not to share this view with his Muslim friend. In Muslim evangelism, one must remember that favoring Jews and Israel can be a great hindrance to sharing the Gospel.
Another thing one needs to explain to a Muslim friend is nominal Christianity. There are people in the world who call themselves Christians but really do not know who Christ is. It is just like there are a group of people they believe in a prophet after Muhammad and yet still call themselves Muslims. It is like those who say they are Muslims but never go to the mosque for prayer.
Even though some of the Muslims in the west may not before their daily worship regularly, and may even have begun to regard religion as superstition, they remaiy Muslims culturally and politically. They will be very sensitive titness criticism of Muhammad or the Koran. The Christian witness must not regard the Muslim as a foe to be conquered, butaas a friend with whom to share the riches of Christ. ..(81)
80 philip H. Lochase, How to Respond to Islam (Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1981), 26.
81 Ibid. 27
Therefore, there is a need to tell a Muslim friend that America is not a Christian state, but rather a secular state. There is no state religion in America and the true followers of Christ in America are only about twenty-five percent of the population. In America, sodomites, drunkards, rapists, and murderers are not Christians. These immoral people need Christ for salvation just as the Muslims need Him. In fact, in every nation there are people like this, and crimes are committed everywhere in the world. But America is always the target because America is a country of people from many nations who believe in many religions. People from all over the world live there and they are Americans.

Establish Muslim's Confidence in the Bible

The Qur'an testifies to the authenticity of the Bible. But Muslims often charge that the Christian Scrip- tures have been changed or corrupted. They also think that the Gospels or Injil are "faked" substitutes for those in the original Bible. Christians, however, should not hesitate to use the word of God in dealing with their Muslim friends.
If a thief and rapist broke into your home one night and you leveled a gun at him, but he just laughed at you and said, "I don't believe in guns, would you put the gun aside and give up? Just one shottherwising his direction would be enough to convince him otherwise...(82)
In the same way, just because one's friend does not believe in the Bible is no reason to lay it aside. The Bible is the true word of God and acts like a two-edged sword to pierce the hearts and minds of people. Muslim scholars often quote from the Bible in order to prove their points. Therefore, the Christian is in a good position to invite the Muslim friend to read the Bible. For the Qur'an does testify to its authenticity,..(83) and even encourage the Muslim to consult those who have had scriptures before the Muslim.
The Qur'an says, "And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which we reveal unto thee, then ques- tion those who read the scripture (that was) before thee" (Qur'an 10:94). There are other similar passages in the Qur'an like Surah 6:92, and 21:7, and Surah 3:71, 78.
The Muslim has blind faith that the Qur'an is a divine book sent forth by Allah (God). Therefore, one must show the same faith toward God's book, the Bible. Since the Muslim believes that Allah (God) is able to keep his promise of protecting his word, how can the Bible be corrupted? The Qur'an says to believe all the early prophets, why not to read all the Scriptures in which God's message through them is revealed?
82 Seamands, 205.
83 Ibid., 205-6.
Muslims believe that changes were not made in the Qur'an because the original copy of the Qur'an is still Christians shall agree with this view because available. the Qur'an was started and finished during the lifetime of Muhammad and his companions kept it and distributed it. Why then does the Muslim not believe that the Bible is also a word of God? If the Muslim friend charges that the Bible has been changed, ask when the Bible was changed, before Muhammad or after Muhammad? The Muslim friend would not have an answer for that because this is a fact that the "complete manuscripts of the Greek New Testament which go back more than two centuries before the time of Muhammad are in existence today."
The Bible is not like the Qur'an as the Qur'an is a completely poetical book full of Arabic poetry. There is rhyme and rhythm, and it is shorter than the New Testament. Therefore, it is easy to memorize because songs are always easy to memorize. The Quran is very difficult to memorize in any other language except Arabic.
The Christian could say to his Muslim friend politely that the Qur'an is not an authority for Christians but the Qur'an or the prophet of Islam could not deny the authority of the Bible. This is because the social teach- ings of the Quran are based on the Bible. One could suggest some pasages in the Qur'an where the friend can find reveal the Torah wherein is guidance and a light" (Quran support for the authority of the Old Testament. "Lo! we did reveal the Torah wherein is guidance and a light" (Qur’an 5:44). Concerning the New Testament, "Let the people of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein" (Qur'an 5:47 and 10:94). The Qur'an itself says that the Qur'an is the confirmation of the Bible.
"And this Qur'an is not such as couldation of thuented in And this Allah; but it is a confirmation off that which despite of it (the Bible) and an expositiofron that which was beforer mankind--therein is no doubt--from the Lord of the World" (Qur'an 10:37).
The Christian could not agree that the Qur'an is an exposition of the Bible because the Qur'an contradicts the Bible. According to the Quran the Gospel was sent to Jesus Christ. The Qur'an says that the previous scriptures of the Jews and Christians are reliable. The Qur'an says, "And because of their saying we slew the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary. Allah's messenger they slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them" (Qur'an 4:157). Bible is very clear that Jesus was crucified. But the According to the Qur'an, Noah escaped the flood, but his son drowned (11:42-46). But the biblical narrative says Noah escaped with his wife, three sons, and their wives (Gen. 6:7, 13). The Qur'an says about the birth of John the Baptist, "[It was said unto him:) O Zachariah Lo! We bring thee tidings of a son whose name is John (Yahya); we have given the same name to none before him" (19:17). But Yohanan, John (Yahveh's gift), was quite a common name, even mentioned in the Old Testament, (I Kings 25:23). The Qur'an says that Abraham was the son of Azarin in Surah 6:74, but the Bible says that the son of Terah in Gen. 11:27.
We are rightlestold that Imran (Biblical Amram) was the father of Moses, Aaron and Miriam (by implication in Surah 19:28, 66:12; 20:25-30). But that this Miriam (or Mary) is the mother of Jesus (who was actually born 1500 years later!) is rather unlikely.
Muslims have difficulty explaining this passage in Qur'an; simply it is a great error in the Qur'an.
The explanation offered by Yusuf Ali that she and her cousin Elizabeth were called "sisters of Aaron" because they were (in the case of Mary, "presumably" Comm 375) of a priestly family, is rather vague. The phrase, it is suggested, was derived from Luke 1:5, where Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, being of Priestly descent, was called "of the daughters of Aaraon." What Yusuf Ali does not explain, is that the father of Aaron and Mary, the mother of Jesus, happens to be Imran according to the Qur'an. This, no doubt, shows human error which can hardly be regarded as a copying mistake. It is based on lack of knowledge of, or information about the Bible. ..(85)
According to the Qur'an, Moses was adopted by Pharaoh's wife (Surah 28:9), but in the Bible he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter (Ex. 2:10).
Moses wife we understand from the context (in Sura 28:22-28), that this must be Zipporah the daughter of Jethro--was given to Moses in exchange for 8-10 years service. The Bible does not account for this (Exodus 2:16-22). We are, however, strongly reminded of Genesis 29:18 where Jacob pledges to serve labor 7 years in exchange for Rachel. This was approximately 220 years prior to the time of Moses. Again we should like to inquire what possible purpose could any man have in changing the words of the Bible in historical narratives like these? Or could it have beengluhammad who confused some of the stories he had heard? ..86
Christians can find many other contradictions between the Qur'an and Biblical narratives if they read the Qur'an
84 Gerhard Nehls, Christian Asks Muslims (Bellville: SIM Internationed Life Challenge, 1987), 7.
85 Ibid., 7. 86 Ibid..1s2
carefully. If one will share these passages with one's Muslim friend, it will be a great challenge to the Muslim to read the Bible and the Bible says, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Muslims say that the Bible is not one book and that is a fact. But, in fact, all the books in the Bible are inspired revelations from God, because God always used His chosen people to convey His message to humankind. written by inspired men of God The Bible is Muslims believe that in their history there were inspired men of God, so they have to believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, as they say, that all Islamic law which is called Sharia was not devoted in the life of Muhammad but almost two centuries after Muhammad through inspired men of God.
Muslims say that careful study of the four Gospels will give strong evidence that the man who was put on the cross did not die on the cross, but only appeared to have died. Therefore, one must encourage one's Muslim friend to study the four Gospels carefully and then show the friend the verse which says, "When he had received the drink"
Jesus said, "It is finished," with that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit (Jn. 19:30). Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breath his last, Luke 23:46.
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top tosbottone And when the centurion, who stood there in frontottesus, heard his cry and saw how he died, he said "Surely this man was the son of God!" (Mark 15:37-38).
"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit" (Matt. 27:50). It would be wise not to argue with the Muslim friend but rather to encourage hin to read the Bible for himself. One of the reasons why Muslims do not accept the Bible as the word of God is they never read it personally. All they know about the Bible is the wrong teaching from their scholars and priests. But if one will give them a Bible and challenge the Muslim to read even for criticism it would be best because even though humans cannot, the Spirit can lead him into the truth.

Explain the Concept of God

Muslims believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest messengers of God, that He was the Christ, that He was born miraculously without any male intervention, that He per- formed miracles by God's permission, yet they do not believe that He is the Son of God, Lord, and Saviour. According to their legend, Muslims also believe that Jesus was not cruci- fied and did not die but only seemed to do so to people. They believe he lives today in paradise and will return to this world where He will marry, have children, and die at the Medina where he will be buried beside the prophet Muhammad. He will reign for 40 years and will establish Islam through- out the whole world. That's what the Muslim tradition says.
In the Qur'an Jesus is spoken of as "the Word of God," "the spirit of God," and a "sign of God," and yet, to a Muslim, to call Jesus Christ the Son of God is a great insult to the majesty of God. They even misinterpret Mark insult to the majesty of God. 16:19 and John 10:30-38. They also try to prove that Jesus is not God from the Bible, where the Scripture refers to His humility.
Christians should be careful to explain to the Muslim friend the meaning of this statement that Jesus is the son of God. Muslims think that Christians call Him Son of God in the physical sense. If one wants to say to a Muslim friend that Jesus is the Son of God then one should first ask his Muslim friend how God created the world. The answer will be that it was through God's creative word "Be" (Kun), because God's word has power So one could say to the friend that Christians call Jesus Son of God, a metaphor to convey likeness of character and not to imply physical relationship such as, "son of a jackal" or "son of thunder." The Qur'an speaks of Jesus as "the word of God." In the Arabic language, the prepositions "of" and "from" signify the same genus. 87
Thus "word of God" and "Son of God" are identical in meaning. Just as the word is the expression of the speaker's thought, so the son is the manifestation of the father's character. As Word and Son, Jesus reveals the nature of God. We can refer to John 1:1-6, and say: God does speak to men. He speaks though His word, as I do. Where were my words before they came from my mouth? In myubrain ort in my thoughts? But if you can open my head. you will find them there. and my word are the same. In some mysterious way I Whatever either pleasing you or annoying you, youeramy word does an doing it. So whatever the word of God does, God himself is one. In the same manner, the Father and the son are Whoever looks at the Son sees the Father...(88)
87 Seamands, 208.
88 Ibid., 208-9.
Another way to illustrate that Jesus is the Son of God is to give an example of the sun and its rays. God,: like the son, is the source, the sender; and Jesus Christ is like the rays of the sun. The rays reflect the light and give life. The Holy Spirit is like the rays which melt and heat, produces energy or power in the life of humankind. These three cannot be separated. God is everywhere in the person of the Holy Spirit, God the Father like the sun and Jesus Christ, like the rays, is the concrete expression of the Father. God extended Himself through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Nobody can see God except through His manifestation. Therefore, Jesus says in the Bible, "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). In Christia- nity, the Father-Son concept is a spiritual relationship. God entered the world and human history through the person of Jesus Christ.
The Christian should not use the phrase "Son of God" for Jesus in witnessing; rather he should show the biblical passages where Jesus says, "I am the bread of life; I am the door; I am the good shepherd" (John 6:35; 12:9, 11). one also should convey to the Muslim the uniqueness of Christ as seen in the Book of Acts. The apostles did not preach to the Gentiles that Jesus is "the Son of God," but they said Lord Jesus. When people began to believe in Jesus, His apostles gave them a fuller understanding of His It could be a good eternal sonship as seen in the epistles. approach if one would say to a Muslim friend that the Bible does not teach that a human can become God. The Christian does not believe that any human can be good, but with God nothing is impossible. Christians believe that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. If God can speak through a human language such as Arabic, then he could also choose to become a human person; one cannot deny the right of God to do so. ..(89)
About the death of Jesus Christ, one can say to a Muslim friend that the greatest victory for God was to allow Jesus to die and then raise Him victoriously from the grave, not to snatch Jesus away at the last moment and rescue Him from death. In the death of Jesus there was the sovereign will of God, because God planned the atonement even before the foundation of the world. ..(90)
In Islam, Muhammad was the instrument and the messenger of God. Muhammad conveyed God's word the Qur'an. His own role was also significant. In Islam, Muhammad has significance. For example, Hadith or tradition. But, in the Bible, Jesus did not only carry the teachings of God, but he also personified what God revealed. Jesus is an emissary, the person through whom God is known. ..(91)
The most important thing in telling about Jesus as Son of God and Lord to a Muslim is that one must show the love of Jesus in his character towards a Muslim friend personally. Also there is a need to refer to Jesus as a prophet and compare Jesus to other prophets mentioned in the Qur'an. One must believe that the light cannot be hidden and it will shine on the Muslim friend one day.
89 Ibid., 209-10.
90 Ibid., 211.
91 Kenneth Cragg, Jesus and the Muslim (U.K.: George Allen & Unusin Ltd., 1985), 192.